Fit with Food

Take care of your body, you only have one!

Fit and Healthy with Food

Discover your way to a healthy balance!

Stop going on diets, stop listening to the overflow of information on what you should and should not eat! 

Start enjoying food and life!

Find your healthy weight

I believe that for each individual the road to successful weight loss and weight balance is different. This is why I work out a different concept for each of my patients integrating your body chemistry, life style,  your preferences and many other factors.

Food Intolerance

Discomfort after meals, feeling bloated, diarrea, constipation...gluten, lactose, fructose...those can be the culprits, but many other issues influence your digestion. Treatment is important as a constantly irriatted gut can get seriously sick.

Menopause and Aging

Age and Menopause affect our bodies significantly. Muscle mass decreases, fat mass increases, bones can become more brittle, the skin more dry. Although we cannot fully reverse those effects, there is a lot that can be done to slow them down and nutrition is key.

Healthy Lifestyle

We all do a certain amount of damage to our body throughout life....but it is never to late to make a change and our bodies respond amazingly well once we decide to treat them better. There are some key factors that can keep you healthy and at the top of your game.



Contact to start your journey with me!


A member of the WPHNA